
The good old days.

Why can't we go back to the old days? When problems didn't even exist. When you'll know for sure that nothing bad can happen to you. When friends mattered more than boys. When everyone seemed so close. When I wished I was one of those girls in the magazine. When those curious thoughts came up, wondering how it would be like to kiss someone's lips. I just miss them, I would trade anything for it. Besides, it would make everything so much better. Right?

Yeah, let's not forget it.

I've just realised,

The hardest part of holding on is letting go

Starting A New Life.

So I haven't been doing any posting for ages, and I've decided to re-make my blog. I was reading it the other day and it seemed so stupid. Especially the post about scrump. You know what they say, 'Nothing good lasts forever'. Well now I know what they mean. But I don't get how some people can say 'I Love You' so easily, just like word vomit. It's funny actually, how I Love You and I Hate You is exactly eight letters and three words.
I've always talked about how trusting someone can be so hard, but you can call me a hypocrite and I would give you credits for saying that. And yes, I do feel stupid. Stupid for falling for him, stupid for coping with it, stupid for pretending that it wasn't true.

At this point for me, love means hate, I miss you sounds like bull, and forever defines two seconds.