
Starting A New Life.

So I haven't been doing any posting for ages, and I've decided to re-make my blog. I was reading it the other day and it seemed so stupid. Especially the post about scrump. You know what they say, 'Nothing good lasts forever'. Well now I know what they mean. But I don't get how some people can say 'I Love You' so easily, just like word vomit. It's funny actually, how I Love You and I Hate You is exactly eight letters and three words.
I've always talked about how trusting someone can be so hard, but you can call me a hypocrite and I would give you credits for saying that. And yes, I do feel stupid. Stupid for falling for him, stupid for coping with it, stupid for pretending that it wasn't true.

At this point for me, love means hate, I miss you sounds like bull, and forever defines two seconds.

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